Friday, September 26, 2008

I've been tagged!!

I was recently tagged by a fellow blogger and cyber friend Colleen over at The Non-Smoker. Colleen and I "met" in cyberland soon after I got engaged. She had a little over 5 months until her wedding but I had a well over a year to go. We've never met but I think she and all my cyber friends were a major part in helping me to plan my wedding. Go check out her blog. She is successfully kicking the nasty habit of smoking so leave her some love. I hope one day to finally meet you Colleen and share some good beer together (maybe Christmas Ale?)

Okay, so here's the rules:


7 Random Facts about me:

1. I stress out about EVERYTHING. It's horrible and I really need to stop. I hate delegating something to someone else to do for fear that it won't get done. I stress about work, cleaning, money, the future. I think it's a disease really.

2. I despise the snoooze alarm. Seriously, why would you want to be awakened every 9 minutes for an hour when you could just set the alarm an hour later and sleep in perfect harmony? In my life, I think I have pushed the snooze button ONCE.

3. My third toe is longer than my second. Look at your hand. See how the third finger is longer than the second? Now look at your feet. Not so much huh? Ohhhh, but mine is....

4. I could watch hours on end of Life in the ER and Trading Spaces on TLC, but I force myself to stay away from that channel. The stuff ER docs see never ceases to amaze me. Talk about never having a boring day at work! And who doesn't like to dream about decorating their home in an eccentric or untraditional way?

5. I am the proud aunt of an adorable little girl named Lily and a sweet young man Cameron and will be a new aunt again in November, but the thought of having children scares the Someday I'm sure that thought will change, but the thought of giving up 18 years of complete independence when you have a child is overwhelming and stressful (refer to random fact #1)

6. I think red wine and chocolate, especially dark chocolate is the best food combination ever. Hands Down.

7. I have a severe diversion to food if I don't like the way it looks. Some food may be amazing but if you tell me it's raw, some kind of delicacy. or it has eyes staring back at me, I won't eat it. I also don't like to mix my food. Every portion of my dinner gets a little place all to it's own on my plate.

My Tagees:

Jaime at Jaime's Journal

Jason at Intersections

Adrienne at The First Year Married

Ann at My Life of Craziness

Ang at Bring The Rain though I doubt she'll ever see this since she gets a zillion comments.

Greg at Light Your World (he'll probably never see this either)

Julian at Julian at Large (and he won't let me leave a comment so I'll have to track him down in this world somehow...I think he's in Turkey now??)

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