Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Time has Come...

for CHANGE. I'm so proud to be an American today. And I feel incredible excitement for where this country is going to go under our new President. It has been a historic ride and I've really enjoyed it these past few weeks. Yeah, we've all been bothered by the excessive political ads but this election more than any other in recent memory has been so historical, ground-breaking, downright exciting. Even 100 years ago, I would not have been able to even cast my vote for someone who could really affect my life. We've come a long way and I'm so thankful for all those women who fought for that right so that I may have this feeling today.

I'm looking forward to the next four years with Barack Obama. Now is the time to join his team. No matter your choice, the decision has been made. Let's give this guy the chance he deserves. I think he will bring greatness back to this country.

Well done, America. Well done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better. It is so exciting and it gives me such a deep sense of pride to see my fellow Americans come together in unity and to break down even further the divisive walls that try to keep us divided. We will see progress and we will repair our image in the world. Yes we can! :-)