Monday, February 18, 2008

The Gym

In my neverending endeavor to be in shape and fit for the wedding (only 4 1/2 months!!), I've joined a gym down here called "The Rush". ( Let me tell you that 5 PM during the week makes that place look like a zoo!

Anyways, I'm just starting to get back into the workout thing again after successfully rehabbing my knee from my ski accident. I'm still hesitant to push my leg on the machines so I've steered clear of those but have started the cardio, core work, and arm strengthening again. And tomorrow, I start back up with a personal trainer, I had some great results with my trainer in Chicago and I'm hoping to pick up where he left off.

So while at the gym, I get to do one of my favorite things....PEOPLE WATCH. Today, I'm over by the "arm weight" section pumping some major iron (ha ha) and can't help but watch the young men there working out. Not because they are cute, but because they have NO IDEA what they are doing. I watched one guy working on his anterior deltoids (think: the muscle on the front/lateral part of your shoulder that helps you raise your arm up) with at least a 50 lb dumbell. Which would be impressive, had he been using just his delts to do this. This guy was using trunk extension, hamstrings, hip extension, and even his calf muscles to do each rep! And all I could think of was, "Judi, right now you are NOT a PT, do NOT say anything to him, keep you eye on your own workout". But it sure is hard to listen to the voices in my head sometimes. :)

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