Thursday, February 21, 2008

My trainer

I had my first "real" session with my trainer today. On Tuesday we had gone over the whole fitness goals thing and took my weight and body measurements. He also is big into diet and wants me to do a 7 day calorie count. Let me tell you that has been a challenge. I'm scrutinizing EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth. I think I eat fairly healthy for breakfast and lunches and most of the time dinner, but I admit I love my carbs and have WAY to many of them sometimes. I also live in a constant state of dehydration. I'm really trying to drink more water, but it's hard to do at work when I'm on my feet walking around all day and it's against health standards to have a bottle of water on hand. Yesterday I managed to gulp down (4 1/2) 8 oz glasses of water. Which is about 4 glasses more than I usually have! :)

So today was the first intense workout with the trainer. Yeah, I got my ass kicked. But he was impressed I could do 10 REAL pushups before I had to switch to the girly kind. ;) We did circuits focusing on abs, arms, and legs with a period of intense cardio worked in between them. I'm definitely going to be sore tomorrow...and the next day...and probably the one after that.

**Random website** This has NOTHING to do with the topic of this post but the following website makes me so happy.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I'm off to Atlanta this weekend to visit my aunt and uncle and my friend/sorority sister Jacie. It should be fun.


Jaime said...

I think it's bizarre that PTs are not allowed to carry around water. Are they worried that you will open it, trip, fall, and spill Judi-germed water all over a sick patient?

Personal Trainer Directory said...

I anticipate it's camp that PTs are not accustomed to backpack about water.thanks for sharing here.